My name is Steve, I’ll pay you $50 if EVER I drop the ball or miss your call. All callers seeking a paid service, and-or current customers with follow-up concerns qualify for fast responses, its a Genuine $50 Dollar Bill In Your Hand if EVER I drop the ball or miss your call!
Your Guarantee
An Answer On The First Ring Or A Response from the owner Within 59 Minutes Guaranteed! Limited to the hours of 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM daily, weekends & holidays included.
Requirements: You must initiate the phone call & text the phrase (“Fifty Dollar Bill”) to the qualifying number 385-260-9223
You must let your urgency be known by leaving a clear concise voicemail message, “And you must text the phrase (“Fifty Dollar Bill”) to qualifying phone number, 385-260-9223. This is your “Guaranteed Ticket” to speak to the owner rapidly, “Or Collect $50 Guaranteed”
After Making Your Call
“IF On Occasion” you do not get an answer on the first ring, after leaving your voice-mail indicating (“Urgency”), and after texting the phrase (“Fifty Dollar Bill”) to the qualifying destination (385-260-9223), you may sit back relax, watch the timer on the clock, while being assured to receive of a timely call from the owner within 59 minutes guaranteed, either that or its $50 in your pocket for the Micky-mouse hassle of it all.
This Is A “Genuine Promotion” intended to tell a story, We respond to all calls rapidly, we take our business and our customers needs seriously. Regardless if you text the phase “Fifty Dollar Bill” your call will be answered promptly, as soon as the days circumstances will allow!